Temptations Brand challenges pepperoni pizza for takeout supremacy!
On Thursday (April 6th) the makers of TEMPTATIONS™ cat treats opened a “Take Out” store in downtown Eugene, Ore. -- the U.S. city with the most cats per capita -- where local residents could order free delivery of treats for their cats by calling, 1-866-626-MEOW or online at www.TemptationsTakeout.com.
A launch party with appearances from local cheerleaders, a band and balloon animal cats kicked off the store opening, and the brand estimates it will deliver 10,000 free cat treats before the store closes this Sunday.
The deliveries are truly full service, with treats ushered to customers on branded scooters decked out like cats – the drivers’ helmets sported cat ears and the bike delivery boxes had furry tails. Local residents learned about the promotion through billboards, leaflets, posters, stickers, a website and an online video, all designed to mimic the look and feel of traditional human take out and delivery promotions.
1. Take-out storefront
2. Store interior
3. Cat treat product
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Edwin Padilla, Brand Manager, Temptations Treats
“Eugene is definitely a cat town. We have the highest cat ownership per capita here in Eugene in the U.S at 49%. We’ve got about 78,000 cats that we have the opportunity to treat this weekend.”
5. Launch party ribbon cutting
6. Cheerleaders
7. SOUNDBITE (English) Amber Stonbraker, Pop-up shop worker
“We are giving away cat treats today. We treat ourselves all the time so today we are treating the kitties.”
8. Close-up of branded hats
9. Customers placing their orders
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Edwin Padilla, Brand Manager, Temptations Treats
“Today is the grand opening of our first ever Temptations cat treats take-out store which we’re delivering cat treats to cat lovers across Eugene, Oregon. It’s a very exciting day for us.
11. Delivery drivers on themed scooters
12. Media conducting interviews
13. Delivery drivers prepping for delivery
14. Close-up of jacket branding
15. NAT SOUND: Interviewer: “Where are you off to?”
16. NAT SOUND: Driver: “I’m off to Monroe street”
17. NAT SOUND: Interviewer: “What are you doing there?”
18. NAT SOUND: Driver: “I’m going to be dropping off two of the Temptations snack treats”
19. Delivery driver riding away
20. NAT SOUND: Store Worker taking phone order: “What is your cat’s name Jim? Joe. Good one. And what color is Joe?”
21. SOUNDBITE (English) Alexandria Baldwin and “Stitch”
“I'm glad Temptations opened. My cat loves treats and I’m going to spoil him rotten (cat meows)..with Temptations yes. Say we like the chicken flavor.”
22. Launch party signing and dancing
23. Stitch the cat “meows”
24. Delivery driver rides down the street