FORT LAUDERDALE and CLEARWATER, Fla. – Nova Southeastern University (NSU) announces the largest philanthropic gift in its history from Tampa-area cardiologist Dr. Kiran C. Patel and his wife, pediatrician Dr. Pallavi Patel. The commitment will significantly expand its programs in osteopathic medicine and health care sciences, and be used to develop a new 27-acre campus for NSU in Clearwater, Fla. The Patels are renowned in Florida for their philanthropy, community service and entrepreneurship.
The commitment from the Patel Family Foundation includes a $50 million gift and an additional $150 million real estate and facility investment in a future 325,000 square-foot medical education complex that will be part of NSU’s new Tampa Bay Regional Campus, in Clearwater. The campus will house a new site for NSU’s College of Osteopathic Medicine, as well as its existing programs in the Tampa area.
Their transformational commitment will advance health care in Florida and internationally, with a particular focus on multicultural and underserved communities. The goal is to put patients first and integrate medical and health care expertise.
Their $50 million gift, one of the seven-largest to any Florida university in history, catapults NSU to more than 84% of its goal to raise $250 million by 2020 for its Realizing Potential philanthropic campaign.
1. Dr. Kiran C. Patel speaking at white coat ceremony the for the incoming class of Osteopathic Medical Students on 9/23/17
“As medical students we are bound by the same professional commitments that bind all physicians. This ceremony will join the symbol of the white coat with the virtues of altruism, responsibility, duty, honor, respect and compassion.”
2. Dr. Pallavi Patel speaking on the importance of their gift
“So, when there is opportunity of also promoting or making advancement in this facility where we can produce qualified and motivated health care personnel, that was a great thing for me.”
3. Dr. Kiran C. Patel
“I believe that the most important gift that somebody can give to mankind is education and health. This is a amazing opportunity to achieve both goals at one time”
4. Dr. Kiran C. Patel
"You know, to get an opportunity of this type to impact the world is a priveledge very few people can get. And I’ve been fortunate that such an opportunity came my way."
5. Dr. Kiran C. Patel
"Here is an opportunity where a 40 year old established, 40 plus years old established medical college with its infrastructure, intellectual capital, processes already in place and it has been producing roughly 250 students a year, now with this partnership we will be producing 400 students a year, probably the largest number of students or graduate doctors that will becoming definitely from the state of Florida we will be the largest.”
6. Dr. Kiran C. Patel
"Committing your personal time could sometimes be for valuable doing it at the right time than any amount of money so putting money aside all the $50 million is one of the top seven gifts for the state of Florida or an additional commitment that could exceed a total of $200 billion the more important aspect is the lives we are gonna touch. If this is a pet perpetual event that is going to be her way beyond tired existence and is going to revolve so the service to mankind protecting the health improving their health is going to be a need for eternity and therefore no amount of money can be equated to what we are going to a cheese and what it will do."
7. NSU President and CEO Dr. George L.Hanbury
8. Dr. Patel’s $200 million dollar gift
9. Students preparing for the white coat event
10. Sign at the white coat event
11. Sign a the event (2)
12. White Coat Event
13. Medical students in audience
14. Students having their white coats put on “coated”
15. Dr. Patel having his coat put on
16. Dr. Patel and family giving the check